Building grassroots community voices and movement for green transition and climate justice
Ecosteward and Humanitarian Foundation (EHF) is a registered non-profit organization, that advocate people–centered response to climate crisis and just energy transition; influence policies and promote ecosystem conservation, agroecology, elimination of pollution and pro-poor development for sustainable future.
EHF works together with coalitions of multi-faith institutions, grassroots organizations, civil society, trusts, foundations, farmers associations, indigenous peoples, and marginalized communities (including women, youths and persons living with disabilities) fostering sustainable practices and opposing fossil fuels
across Africa.
Ecosteward Foundation has emerged as a vibrant civil society organization in climate change and sustainable development. Been at the forefront of advancing climate justice in Nigeria and Africa and using evidence-based advocacy to shape and improve policies and laws on natural resource management and supporting local communities to develop climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. EHF believes that all humans should be treated with dignity and respect, despite race, color, gender, and country of origin.
EHF strives to build a future where everyone benefits from climate justice, environmental stewardship, and equitable development.
The importance of renewable energy in Nigeria cannot be overstated. As a fast-developing nation, Nigeria is confronted with rising energy demands, both for its raidly expanding population and economy.
The outcome of this assessment reveal that energy efficiency and biomass are presently regarded as the most economically efficient renewable energy choices in Nigeria.
On World Cleanup Day 2024, millions of people around the world unite with a shared purpose: to demonstrate that the future of our planet is in our hands.
Building grassroots community voices and movement for green transition and climate justice
+234 805 894 1455
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